Getting more women into our building and construction industry
Jane Howlett, TAS Minister for Women
Tasmania’s building and construction industry is going from strength to strength which is why the Tasmanian
Liberal Government is ensuring that women are part of this economic powerhouse.
We recognise the importance of increasing opportunities for women and girls to enter the workforce, specifically
taking up leadership positions which promote and recognise the contribution of Tasmanian women.
That’s why we are delivering on our commitment to invest $75,000 to develop a Women in Building and
Construction Strategy which will help highlight the variety of career options within the industry and will seek to
address barriers that prevent women from entering what has traditionally been a male-dominated field of work.
The Tasmanian Liberal Government is pleased to be partnering with Keystone Tasmania, the State’s building
industry training body to deliver this critical work and has committed to match our investment to enable timely and practical outcomes from the strategy.
The strategy will look to reduce barriers that prevent women from entering the sector, such as workplace set up,
culture and flexibility and will shine a light on the many career options within the building and construction sector.
Importantly, it will work to recruit and retain women in trades and management roles across the field.
As we begin this work, the Tasmanian Liberal Government is seeking input from industry bodies, individuals,
groups, and organisations at all levels, as well as the broader Tasmanian community, to ensure that we create
meaningful change for women and girls in our State.
We look forward to working together with Keystone Tasmania, as well as the building and construction sector
more broadly, to achieve these outcomes, and we thank them for their commitment to this strategy.